Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome Family!

Welcome to the blog that highlights Grandpa.  Hopefully, we will keep this updated frequently so that family members can see how Grandpa is doing.  Feel free to leave comments on the posts so that he can read what you have to say.  We have also set him up an email account at if you would like to contact him that way.  I plan on videotaping Grandpa telling different stories.  If you have a favorite you would like to hear, let me know and we can record it and post it on the blog.  The following is a story of Snickles, the shetland pony: 

 Also, here are a couple of pictures of Grandpa "pulling his weight" by doing the dishes.  If I don't stay on top of them, he beats me to them!  

He his settling in fine and seems to be comfortable.  All in all, I think he is doing great.  Him and Hyrum are buddies and he is very patient with Hyrum and all his questions.  Grandpa does have his privacy, though, and can retreat to his bedroom whenever he feels the need to.  Monty took him to the ear doctor last week.  He has had an ear infection, but it seems to have cleared up now.  Dr. Buchanan cleaned out his ears and it has helped a lot with his hearing.  The doctor suggested that he uses a device called TV Ears for watching TV.  He has tried them once but doesn't really like them.  We will keep trying to encourage him.  Paula comes to visit him each Sunday evening and he really looks forward to her visits.  Tammey also came and saw him the other day.  She and the girls did the garage sale this weekend to sell the household items that were left.  Karla, Paula, and Tammey have been working hard to get the house cleaned and ready to rent or sell.  He appreciates their efforts and says they are "sure doing a good job cleaning the house."  The family will have a work party in a couple of weeks.  Feel free to call, write, or come on by.  He loves to visit with family.